Saturday, January 8, 2011

Bondhu - Indian Ocean (Lyrics)

Bondhu (friend)a melody which haunts you for hours after you hear the song. The baul tones bring about a very earthy, rustic feel to the song. This is coupled with Indian Ocean's unique sound, and the voice of the late Asheem.

The song features Anusheh Anadil, the first female voice to record a song with Indian Ocean.


Mor mone, ki jaemon mone,
Ei jaemon mone, Ki jae mor mone,
Orey ooh, orey amar mone re aamaar,
Mone re aamar mone,
Morey aamar mone..

Dheu bhaange, paar bhaange,
Mono aamaar bhaange
Dheu bhaange, paar bhaange,
Shaupno amaar bhaange

Aamaar bhanga ridoy
Jodaa laage
Tori taane re

Nodeer paani, chokhaer paani
Nodi hoiyaa boye
Arre ei nodi tui
Dekhli aeto
Chokhe dhorae naai

Tor khonjete, paagol hoilaam
Tor praane te praan
Aashaar khoonti te
Baindhha aamaar naao

Mone-re aamaar, mone, mone-re...


Anonymous said...

Dude, thanks for posting the lyrics, great job.. could you please also what is the meaning of the lyrics? Not being a Bengali deprives me of the meaning...please help!

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

can somebody please post the chords for this song

Unknown said...

Abhishek Debnath before I translate utilizing my limited skills, I would like to extend my thanks to you, for introducing me to such a wonderful composition, never heard so far :\ anyway, the basic theme is there has been a parallel drawn in between the river and singer's "mann".. (i don know what's the English terminology for that one, might be heart or mind.. I till date, dubious on that).... just like tides flow crazily and break themselves towards the bank, similar status is what my "mann" and my dreams have, these days and if somebody could fix this is, is you and you only.... lot of other stuffs too.... basically a dedication by the guy to his girlfriend to show how desperately he loves, he's fallen apart ever since he has lost his love ! P.S. these gems are rare in Bengali folk music nowadays, barring few exceptions which are mostly imported from Bangladesh :)

shelbi joseph said...

Amazing song!!! So haunting Asheem's voice. Hats off... Still remember the day I met him

Anonymous said...

Уже некоторый иностранные слова вошли в русский язык.Ну предположим: "респект","девайс","бай-бай","хай","пронто","сори","креативно" и тд и тп. А русские болтовня просочились в круг, начинать кромемата и водки [url=]московский строительный портал[/url]

Anonymous said...

[url=]пергола 60[/url]
[url=]изготовление маркиз[/url]

Устали от жаркого солнца, но при этом не хотите постоянно находится в помещении? Кроме того, согласитесь, совсем некомфортно, если еще и пойдет дождь,
В наши дни очень большой известность пользуются так называемые маркизы, которые сможете приобрести на нашем сайте Интернет-сайте. Это качественные тенты, которые можно повесить на улице, а также их приобретают для дач и загородных коттеджей, ведь их просто натягивать, пользоваться такими маркизами очень удобно. Такие небольшие тенты, габариты которых вы сможете находить самостоятельно, берегут не только от самих палящих палящих лучей, но и от их излучения, так что теперь за городом за столиком вам будет очень комфортно, прохладно.
Есть только два фактора, которые заставят его сложить обратно: либо очень сильный ветер, либо гроза.
На нашем сайте вы без труда сможете заказать нужный вам товар, стоит просто выбрать продукт то, что вам подходит, исходя из различных характеристик. Естественно, свои вопросы вы должны задавать и продавцам, которые обязательно помогут купить тот товар, который нужен. Основные плюсы таких товаров в том, что они легко трансформируются, транспортируются и непосредственно устанавливаются в любом нужном месте.

[url=]пергола в саду[/url]
[url=]перголы и шпалеры[/url]

In search of nothing said...

Well I am not very proficient in bengali since I stayed in Kolkata a am able to understand a bit , please ignore any errors :
Oh my heart ! yes my heart,
Yes this heart ,(tone of the song exclaims the person is asking his heart - What it wants ? he is confused and disturbed by not being able to control and understand it )

Tides break and banks of river ,
Similarly my heart also breaks ,
My broken heart cries because of this.

The river water and my tears mix and flows in stream,
Oh river you have seen everything and how sad I am !!
(He is sharing his grief and sorrow with the river similar to a friend )

In search of you I have gone crazy,
In your life is stringed my life,
Your search and feeling to meet you is the only hope for my life .
(everybody can relate to this for we are in search of something , happiness , god , passion , knowledge)

In search of nothing said...

Well I am not very proficient in bengali since I stayed in Kolkata a am able to understand a bit , please ignore any errors :
Oh my heart ! yes my heart,
Yes this heart ,(tone of the song exclaims the person is asking his heart - What it wants ? he is confused and disturbed by not being able to control and understand it )

Tides break and banks of river ,
Similarly my heart also breaks ,
My broken heart cries because of this.

The river water and my tears mix and flows in stream,
Oh river you have seen everything and how sad I am !!
(He is sharing his grief and sorrow with the river similar to a friend )

In search of you I have gone crazy,
In your life is stringed my life,
Your search and feeling to meet you is the only hope for my life .
(everybody can relate to this for we are in search of something , happiness , god , passion , knowledge)

Anonymous said...

Thank You so Much !!!